Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rolls and Rolls of Ribbon

A big box a ribbons arrived yesterday, grosgrains to match all the sinamays I have in stock at the moment, to edge, tag and detail.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Todays haul, mainly topping up little habby items like pins and fray check and stem tape. But I also picked up a few new tall flower buckets for holding tall things on my desk like hammers and rulers. I picked up some pearls, buttons, wire and some great vintage grosgrain ribbons and FINALLY managed to match a really hard to find turquoise to bind this one particular turquoise sinamay that I have. (waiting for a big stash of rolls of sinamay to arrive in the mail)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I've been away so loooong.....

It's been super busy round here! That time of year where spring and early summer and 2014 brides kick into high gear, and I start dream I'm making wedding dress button 24/7 for months on end.
But I have bought a few great vintage millinery pieces (pics to come) and I have a few interesting projects in the pipeline.
I'm really going to keep up with my "Where are They Now" map this year, as its interesting to see where products are going to.
Above is a map of just January 2012's orders, and quite honestly its very typical of my average entire years map. Africa, South America and Eastern Europe/Russia are places I never sell to (although I think I once sold to Brazil) But we'll see how this year pans out month by month :)
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